January 14, 2010

Longies, cocoons, and booties.OH MY

   When I lost my job a few months back, I decided it was a great time for me to start some crafts. I was always fond of crochet, so thats what I chose to go with. I tried my hand at a few projects, but I never though I would really get the hang of it, the patterns were just too confusing to me. After many failed projects, I finally got good at it. In fact, Im pretty great a it now :)

   I crochet almost daily now, and I enjoy every minute of it. Its a great stress reliever, god knows I need it. I've sold a few of my projects, and in fact, I saw one of my sold projects in action a few days back. Now thats a good feeling.

   I only crochet baby items. I just don't have the patience to make anything larger than that. I like the "instant" gratification of the smaller items.

heres a few of the items that I've sold recently

This is a matching cocoon and hat set. I love tho look of these in pictures, and have hade quite a few for my daughter.


This as ( obviously) an elf hat. I have made and sold a TON of these. I think they are my favorite thing to make right now. So soft and cuddly and super fast to make.

I really enjoy doing this and truely admire all the etsy sellers who make their living selling handmade items. I can tell it would be a full time job. Not something I'm quite ready to take on :) For right now, its just a little something I do to try and keep me sane. I cant say its a fool- proof method, but its something...right?



  1. Oh, my gosh, those are SO adorable?? I LOVE the cocoon! You are a talented lady. How DO you find the time to do this with six kids? Talented and resourceful... no fair! ;0)

    Thanks so much for visiting and following my blog today! I'll be back again soon!

    Have a great weekend!

    January 15, 2010 3:03 PM

  2. Sweet, sweet pictures!

    You have six kids? You need to come on over to Outnumbered Mom! Bless you!

